Friday, October 9, 2009

Update and Family Reunion 2010

This summer, Mindy Friez travelled the world as usual. She went to many exciting places. She did some mission work in Romania. She helped at orphanges and a children's hospital. After that she went to Germany, England, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Belgium, France and Holland. She feels very blessed that she got to go.

Andrew Friez turned one on August 30! I can't believe it! Debbie and Paul went to go see the family for the occasion. Mindy was there as well. Debbie and Paul will be going to Orland this month for a vacation.

Charlie has asked me to post about the Family Reunion for next year. Here is the information from his email. Please let him know what you think.

"I plan to have the reunion in Branson in 2010. My questions are 1) Branson okay? and 2) since we have some conflict with the 4th of July but need a 3-day weekend for others should we move the Reunion weekend to either Memorial Day weekend in late May or Labor Day weekend in early September?conflict with the 4th of July but need a 3-day weekend for others should we move to either Memorial Day in late May or Labor Day in early September? Please let me know your family's desires (you, your kids, and siblings). Thank you! Also, with Jan Schureman's help, we are trying to find accommodations with kitchenettes so that younger folks that desire to have some meals in rooms can do so (or maybe even some of us older folks like me). I have one niece who must prepare food for son who has food allergies and kids that may not want to spend money eating out every meal. I don't know yet if we will be successful finding affordable kitchenette rooms." His email is or

I am still in the Turks and Caicos and having a great time. I will keep updating my blog with pictures. Have a great October everyone!